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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chilled out Thurs

I am having a wonderful Thursday. Took my son to his gym play class, made spinach ricotta cannelloni and now am enjoying a cuppa java with T on the couch while Z is taking his nap. It has been one of those days that everything seem perfect and it's just half done! Oh and it rained in Doha. Just a short drizzle but what a blessing!

Came across a couple of images online that made me smile and here you go.

How cute and genius!

This house design by A21 via Archdaily, featured this amazing bathroom with a collage of gorgeous tiles.

The rest of the house photos were amazing too.

On the same note, these concrete tiles by Ivanka is in a different league altogether. I likey.

Hope you guys have a fab day ahead. 

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