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Friday, March 2, 2012

The Big Four O

One of my best friends is turning 40 this year and so shall the rest of my contemporaries in the coming year. I recall being a naive child with thoughts of how one's life should probably end at 40 because it simply was too old.

These days, the people I count as my closest friends are all around my age in fact, my oldest friend is my own husband. I don't have friends who are younger than 30. Actually I have very few friends and making new friends at this age, is extremely tedious and hard work.

Anyway to me, it is an important milestone in life and it should be celebrated. How I am going to is not clear to me yet but I have a notion that it is to done in several fold. One, to celebrate my mid life crisis, I want to do something on my own. I shall contemplate the how, what and where.

Following that, I would like to, as much as possible, to throw a party and involve my buddies.

G, a friend, is turning 40 in April and has gone down the same path. He is going to Istanbul for the party. A week in a villa on the coast of Kas and then a week in Istanbul city. I first said we would go but we might not have the time to join him now.

It does look tempting though and I love Istanbul. Here's the house.

It sleeps up to 18 but I don't think there will be much sleeping with this lot.

Write Stuff designed a Maimi themed party for some 40 year olds a few months back. I went to that party with a mini skirt and very very bad make up. Tons of blue eye shadow. The party guests went to town with their costumes. The host's husband turned up as Kiss with the black leotards and hair! There were mullets, pink leotards, side burns, headbands everywhere I looked ! I was completely underdressed.

These were some of the party decor.

So Z, what are you going to do for yours?